LIFE NUGGET #2: Cultivate “GOD-Confidence”

This is part of our short and sweet mission statement. “We are unified in Yeshua. We are raised up with Him to LIVE well and help others LIVE WELL ~with GOD-CONFIDENCE!”

You and I hear a lot about “self-confidence” these days. The TRUTH is that anytime we rely solely on self, we fall short of the mark of perfection and wholeness. Our goal is to help one another in this journey of health and wellness. When we move in these efforts with the strength of One greater than all of us, we accomplish more, and the effects are eternal as well as temporal! In so doing, we cultivate a community that thrives (not simply survives) and does so with “GOD-CONFIDENCE”.

We here at Healthy Sh’tuff can testify over and over to the above facts. Throughout a combined centenary of living in this world we have seen the ramifications of living both ways:

1. In self-confident/self-sufficient modes

2. In GOD-confidence/community modes

The second always produces better, more abundant and lasting results! We live in community in this world; on our electronic devices through “socials” as well as when we step out through our doors into the wide-open world. When we interact with one another, it is like casting a pebble into a still pond…ripples form immediately. The first ripples are quite close together, and little by little, they spread further and further apart (but they still are having a visible effect on the surface waters) until they succumb either to the ponds edge or greater stillness. So it is with the words we speak and the lives we live. We tend to bump into one another, even without trying to and even when we are attempting to avoid one another - we still have an effect.

Our focus goal here at Healthy Sh’tuff is to make powerful, healthy, life boosting ripples! We desire that each image bearer that we cross paths with (i.e. skip a stone and make some ripples), will be drawn closer to Yahweh and walk with new life in their gait from Yeshua and Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) producing long lasting fruitful effects of vibrancy and vitality that continue to ripple into all those they in turn interact with in this journey of Thriving Life. “The Message Version” of The Bible describes it this way: 1 Corinthians 10:12 “…so forget about self-confidence; it’s useless! Cultivate God-confidence. “

Now, go make some HEALTHY ripples!!!


LIFE NUGGET #3: Watered to Waft


LIFE NUGGET #1: Created To Receive Love