Learning creates new synapses and strengthens our brains…
by Joanie Blaxter - Just Thrive Health Educator
How to strengthen the gut to strengthen and support your immunity!
Have you ever noticed that no matter what the season, eating rich food, imbibing alcohol, and staying up late not only affects your digestion, but also runs down your immune system? Now add in the cold, dark winter season and what do you have?
Why does one health system (digestion) so easily affect the other (immune)? Well, as they say in New York City… Location, location, location!
Turns out, 75–80% of your immune receptor sites are embedded in your gut wall.
Let me say that again so you can really get the picture… MOST of your immune system is located in tissue that needs to remain healthy in order for your immune response to remain healthy.
Otherwise, any inflammation in your gut lining can take down the immune sites located there and compromise your ability to protect yourself against respiratory infections.
Yep, that’s right. Doesn’t matter how much vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, mushrooms, elderberry or echinacea you take! Unless you support the health of your gut wall and the immune system located there FIRST, the benefit you get from those supplements will be limited in two ways:
Impaired immune response: Any benefit you experience from immune supplements will be IN SPITE OF the basic dysfunction of your immune system. Taking this kind of supplementation without addressing your gut inflammation is like painting over cracks in the walls of a house without fixing the crumbling foundation. It may look better for a while, but the underlying issue remains.
Impaired nutrient absorption: Microvilli are microscopic, fingerlike projections that grow out of your intestinal lining. You need a robust gut wall to have long, strong microvilli. A damaged gut wall can lead to:
Blunted to non-existent microvilli.
Blunted to non-existent nutrient assimilation within.
Literally, flushing your (costly) nutritional supplements down the toilet.
Because lifestyle changes tend to be more challenging to implement, over the years, controlling cholesterol became the dominant focus.
But that spotlight is changing! Recent research suggests that:
Measuring triglyceride levels right after eating may be a better predictor of heart function than cholesterol.[1]
Your most robust predictor of cardiac dysfunction may actually be the ratio of your triglycerides to your “good” HDL cholesterol levels. Ideally, you want low triglycerides in conjunction with high “good” cholesterol.[2] (Always consult your doctor to discuss your test results.)
Here’s another eye-popping statistic. Based on clinical outcomes:
97-99% of Americans are estimated to have an inflamed, leaky gut.
What can be done to soothe the tissue and close the holes in a leaky gut?
Only Just Thrive spore-based Probiotic & Antioxidant has a published, human clinical trial showing a stronger, more resilient gut wall with a:
42% sealing of the holes in the intestines by using one capsule daily, one bottle (30 days)[1]
But hold on! Here’s the third way Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant can support your immune system using 100% spore-based Bacillus strains (not the more conventional Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium).
3. Natural killer cell stimulation: Spore Bacillus strains have been shown to trigger your Peyer’s Patches while passing through your digestive tract.[2]
Peyer’s Patches are lymphoid sites embedded in your small intestine. They produce natural killer cells and contain B cells, T cells, plasma cells, mast cells, eosinophils, macrophages, and basophils, all of which begin to decrease starting at age 25.
These Peyer’s Patches immune defenders have a two-part protective function; they:
Upregulate a low-functioning immune response to build better resistance.
Trigger the production of calming T Reg cells: T Reg cells lower overreactions.
For example, T Regs calm down allergies and hypersensitivities, autoimmune reactions like swelling, rash or itchiness, and/or the cytokine storm.
This capacity to upregulate and activate, while also soothing and cooling as necessary, allows your immune system to be as effective as possible.[3,4]
Who knew? The BEST way to support your immune system is to support your gut.
But it has to be with the “right” probiotic—one designed by Mother Nature and proven by science—Just Thrive spore-based Probiotic & Antioxidant.
Oral spore-based probiotic supplementation was associated with reduced incidence of post-prandial dietary endotoxin, triglycerides, and disease risk biomarkers. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol 2017; 8(3): 117-126 [PMID: 28868181 DOI: 10.4291/wjgp.v8.i3.117]
Immunostimulatory activity of Bacillus spores https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18430003/
Effect of Probiotic Bacillus subtilis HU58 on Immune Function http://www.i-scholar.in/index.php/IP/article/view/15981
A synbiotic concept containing spore-forming Bacillus strains and a prebiotic fiber blend consistently enhanced metabolic activity by modulation of the gut microbiome in vitro - PubMed (nih.gov)
Lesson# 3: Preparing your body for the holidays the healthy way…
What Triglycerides Mean to Your Heart & Liver
by Joanie Blaxster
Lower your risk for both cardiovascular and liver issues…
Backed by decades of clinical study from the 1950’s and on, both cholesterol and triglycerides are considered to be important factors in cardiac wellness. Nevertheless, over the years, triglycerides have tended to take a backseat to cholesterol, most likely due to the different kinds of heart health solutions offered by the medical community.
Cholesterol is relatively easily managed with statins, while triglyceride recommendations have focused more on the importance of:
Regular exercise,
Healthy diet, especially fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, and
Decreasing alcohol intake.
Because lifestyle changes tend to be more challenging to implement, over the years, controlling cholesterol became the dominant focus.
But that spotlight is changing! Recent research suggests that:
Measuring triglyceride levels right after eating may be a better predictor of heart function than cholesterol.[1]
Your most robust predictor of cardiac dysfunction may actually be the ratio of your triglycerides to your “good” HDL cholesterol levels. Ideally, you want low triglycerides in conjunction with high “good” cholesterol.[2] (Always consult your doctor to discuss your test results.)
Interestingly, the level of your triglycerides is also strongly connected to liver wellness.
As a fat molecule, triglycerides are managed by the liver, so having high levels can also be an indicator of poor hepatic function.
In the past, cirrhosis of the liver was automatically considered to be the result of heavy alcohol consumption. Very concerningly, however, it has been soaring amongst a much younger population who do not drink. When there is no history of alcohol consumption, it’s called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).
Astonishingly, in the United States, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease prevalence has increased by 50% in the last 30 years[3] and is estimated to now affect 25% of Americans.[4]
In answer to the question, “What is the source of the toxins stressing out the liver if it’s not alcohol?”, researchers are increasingly looking to the gut.
Bacterially produced irritants, also called lipopolysaccharides or LPS, can inflame the gut lining so much it develops holes, and once that occurs, you have leaky gut.
As LPS seeps into the bloodstream, the liver will protect itself by producing triglycerides whose job is to sequester those toxins until they can be effectively filtered out of the bloodstream.
Based on clinical outcomes, it is estimated by gut experts that 97-99% of Americans have a leaky gut, suggesting a connection between leaky gut and the climbing rates of NAFLD.
High levels of triglycerides circulating in the blood can also be considered a risk factor for:
Heart disease[5,6] and
Liver disorder.[7,8]
Spore-Based Probiotic & Antioxidant
Studies: 2 human clinical trials
One capsule daily, no changes in diet or lifestyle
Reduction in Triglycerides:
↓ 24%: 4 weeks[9]
↓ 38%: 6 weeks[10]
↓ 65%: 12 weeks[10]
Hear it from the Expert!
Podcasts with Kiran Krishnan
Just Thrive Chief Science Officer & Research Microbiologist: (Click below to be directed to the podcast)
In this podcast you will learn: How the “right” probiotic can help maintain healthy triglyceride levels
Fish oil vs. spore-based probiotic & antioxidant (hint: it’s surprising!)
C-reactive protein/HSCRP and Interleukin 6: How other cardiac bio factors were also reduced in the same leaky gut study[10]
(Click below to be directed to the podcast)
In this podcast you will learn: What causes liver cirrhosis
The “best” way to protect your liver
What Research Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan, means when he says: “This is evidence-based. These are not marketing claims.”
Fasting, non-fasting and postprandial triglycerides for screening cardiometabolic risk https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8453457/
The Triglyceride/High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (TG/HDL-C) Ratio as a Risk Marker for Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10001260/
Changing epidemiology, global trends and implications for outcomes of NAFLD https://www.journal-of-hepatology.eu/article/S0168-8278(23)00324-0/fulltext
What is fatty liver disease? https://liverfoundation.org/liver-diseases/fatty-liver-disease/nonalcoholic-steatohepatitis-nash/nash-definition-prevalence/
Relationship between cumulative exposure to triglyceride-glucose index and heart failure https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37667253/
Association between the triglyceride glucose index and heart failure https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38317716/
Triglycerides in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Guilty Until Proven Innocent https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33468321/
Triglyceride is strongly associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among markers of hyperlipidemia and diabetes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4106613/
Ground breaking study on Leaky Gut https://justthrivehealth.com/blogs/blog/groundbreaking-study-on-healing-leaky-gut-with-the-strains-used-in-just-thrive-probiotic
Efficacy of Spore Forming Supplementation in Patients with Mild to Moderate Triglyceride Elevation http://www.imjournal.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/Content.Main/id/1112/OA-
Just Thrive Wholesale 810 Busse Hwy Park Ridge, ILLINOIS 60068
Lesson #2: Benefits of Adaptogen Coffee
Introducing IQJOE: The Smarter Coffee Choice
While traditional methods like French press, pour-over, and espresso are also better alternatives, IQJOE stands out as a convenient and health-conscious option. Made from premium, medium-roasted Brazilian coffee beans and enhanced Magtein® magnesium, and lion’s mane extract, IQJOE delivers smooth, rich flavor and a steady energy boost without harmful plastics or additives.
While IQJOE’s sachets do contain a tiny amount of plastic, they never come in contact with hot water (vs. K-Cups, where hot water is poured over a plastic top). Instead, the coffee itself is mixed with hot water, thus eliminating risks associated with microplastic consumption. Furthermore, each packet is fully recyclable!
Key Ingredients
Magnesium (L-Threonate): The only form of magnesium shown to reach the brain, boosting productivity and promoting relaxation.
Lion’s Mane: This mushroom extract is a "natural nootropic" that sharpens focus, supports mental clarity, and enhances mood.
200mg Natural Caffeine: Delivers sustained, jitter-free energy from premium coffee beans.
Antioxidants: Protect cells from damage and inflammation, promoting long-term health.
IQJOE is non-GMO, 0 sugar, vegan, kosher, gluten-free, and soy-free, making it suitable for a wide range of dietary needs.
Flavor Options
Original Black: Experience the bold, full-bodied taste of our Original Black instant coffee, perfect for an energizing start to your day.
Vanilla Spice: Our smooth vanilla spice coffee offers the warm, creamy flavors of vanilla and exotic spices.
Toasted Hazelnut: Savor the rich, nutty notes of our Toasted Hazelnut coffee, delivering just the right amount of toastiness.
Caffè Mocha: Our Caffè Mocha instant coffee combines medium-roasted Brazilian coffee with rich, velvety dark chocolate.
With IQJOE, you can enjoy a clean, flavorful cup of coffee without worrying about the health and environmental concerns associated with K-Cups. Make the switch today and discover a smarter, healthier way to energize your day!
— IQ Joe Blog
Lesson# 1: Benefits of Good Bacteria
Author: Joanie Blaxter - Just Thrive Health Educator
Mother Nature’s 3.0 solution to a healthier gut – reintroduce clinically proven spore bacillus strains… you know that modern-day humans have lost about half the microbes that “should be” living in our guts.
One Way Microbial Loss Can Occur: Antibiotics
While a single dose of an antibiotic can kill 90% or more of your bacteria, luckily, there is NO currently prescribed, broad-spectrum medication that has been shown to completely eliminate all gut bacteria.
This is due to the mucosal “blanket” (also called the “intestinal tight junction barrier” or “epithelial lining”) that sits on top of our very fragile, single-celled gut wall.
When an antibiotic arrives in your gut, your bacteria try to escape its deadly effects by burying themselves in your mucosal “blanket.”
To some degree, some bacteria always survive (as will fungus like Candida auris which is never affected by antibiotics) and once you stop taking the antibacterial medication, those are the organisms that will dominantly repopulate your intestines.
The rebuilding of a healthy gut microbiome depends upon your beneficial bacteria being able to powerfully repopulate first, so they can crowd out harmful organisms, like Candida.
But what if the bacterial strains that re-emerge first post-antibiotic are NOT good for us, and in fact are the really “bad guys,” like drug-resistant superbugs?
According to the CDC: “People are 7 to 10 times more likely to get C. DIFF. while on antibiotics, and during the month after.”[1]
Mother Nature’s Perfect Solution: Gut-friendly Spore Bacillus Strains
These naturally protective spore-based microbes produce two kinds of compounds in the intestines.
One byproduct is anti-bacterial and
The other is a self-produced bacterial “fertilizer.”
The recommended daily dose of the spore-based Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant enables these “super soldiers” to fill the entire length of your intestines with no break in protection.
Traveling from the top of your intestines to the bottom over about three weeks before being excreted, these gut-friendly strains help to bring balance to your bacterial population by using their own byproducts to selectively either:
Kill pathogens or
Increase beneficial residents.
Gut pathogens typically produce LPS (lipopolysaccharide) as a byproduct and LPS absorbed into the bloodstream has now been linked to a huge array of autoimmune and metabolic conditions that can affect our:
Immune system,
Digestion, and
Brain and mood.
Very importantly, post-antibiotic, Just Thrive recommends you double or triple your dose of the spore-based Probiotic & Antioxidant to support the correct rebuilding of your gut population.
The goal is to have plentiful Just Thrive “super soldiers” standing guard.
These protective strains monitor organisms re-emerging from your gut lining and take aim at the harmful ones (Bam…dead!), while simultaneously feeding “superfood” to your beneficials, like a gardener lovingly giving fertilizer to needy plants.
One capsule daily of Just Thrive Health Probiotic & Antioxidant in just 3 weeks was shown to dramatically improve the health of gut bacteria with a:
10-100-fold increase [2] of the beneficial population overall,
35% increase in diversity [2], including the critically important keystone species/strains.
A second study, called our “Leaky Gut Study,” was conducted on 80+ participants and did exactly what the Netherlands Study did; pathogenically produced LPS was measured in the test participants’ blood samples.
The Netherlands Study found that LPS escaping through a leaky gut wall is the biggest driver of anxiety and depression.
However, there was one significant change in the way the Leaky Gut Study was conducted… Those researchers also gave the Just Thrive Health four-strain proprietary probiotic formula to the participants to see if that affected their LPS levels.
One capsule daily of the Just Thrive Health “Probiotic & Antioxidant” was shown, in just 4 weeks, to produce a 42% lowering of LPS. [3]
There were other changes as well:
24% decrease in triglycerides (linked to heart health)
“Significant” reductions in:
Ghrelin (also called “the hunger hormone”)
5 inflammatory markers, associated with-
Poor sugar response,
Slower recovery processes
High bodily inflammatory load.
One easy, affordable, and clinically evidence-based solution in adding Just Thrive Health “Probiotic & Antioxidant”.
Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant has been shown to significantly:
Increase our total overall bacterial gut population by increasing beneficial strains and decreasing pathogens [2],
Increase the diversity of the kinds of bacteria living in our gut [2],
Reduce our LPS bodily load. [3]
Our children literally inherit their parents’ and caregivers’ gut bacteria through birth, touch, and breath. When we improve our bacterial health, it also benefits our children.
Furthermore, any benefit we directly bring to a little one’s microbiome, for example, by introducing gut-friendly spore bacillus probiotics and helpful dietary changes, especially during that critical first three years of life, will confer a subsequent LIFETIME of immune, psychological, and digestive health benefits for that person!
Start now. For you and the next generation.
Stay Tuned...
Your Risk of C. diff | CDC https://www.cdc.gov/c-diff/about/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/cdiff/risk.html
A symbiotic concept containing spore-forming Bacillus strains and a prebiotic fiber blend https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590156719300350
Oral spore-based probiotic supplementation was associated with reduced incidence of post-prandial dietary endotoxin, triglycerides, and disease risk biomarkers. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28868181/
Just Thrive Wholesale 810 Busse Hwy Park Ridge, ILLINOIS 60068