We thrive unified in Yeshua; we are then raised up to new LIFE in Him - to live well and help others live well too!

Accomplished with God-fidence!

Welcome to Healthy Sh’tuff!

Our aim is to provide access to a network of resources to minister health and wholeness in such a way that you are equipped to thrive in life on multiple levels: Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

In 2017, a vision was birthed in our founder, Lisabeth, to open a venue that would be a wellspring of mindful resources to spur others on to their best quality of health. With her vast background in the health and wellness field she is a deep well of knowledge and insight.

Each experience builds on the next to be a treasure trove. This vision has grown steadily over the last 6 years. It truly can be likened to an acorn on the forest floor that is growing bigger, broader and stronger every day. The unhindered fruition of an acorn of promise is seen here in the emergence of a webstore. One day this will merge into a flourishing mighty oak of brick-and-mortar shop(s)!

Also, in 2017, The Lord miraculously healed the other founder’s (Jaringo) leg from and incurable neurological effect. Then in 2018, He clearly called her to close her accounting business and pursue what He showed her: to go wherever He led; speak The Life & Truth of the Gospel of Yeshua Hammashiach; teach His Word & pray with whomever He directs…to share The Source of life & renewed health to those with whom she intentionally interacts. She started the journey with several chronic diseases.

One such disease left her unable to breathe without the use of many medications, inhalers, and biological injections. She was also unable absorb nutrition properly and had gotten down to a very unhealthy weight. The Lord again healed her lungs and heart miraculously leaving the doctors speechless.

During that time the two founders’ families were brought together by His Sovereign workings. Lisabeth gave Jaringo a sample of a spore probiotic and some natural IgG that The Lord Yahweh used to bring about the healing of her gut and intestines. So much so that at her next exam, the gastroenterologist took pictures of her intestinal tract and deemed it a “virgin” colon. All the IBS, the gastritis and even the lesions from a former resection of the colon had been brought to renewed health.

Shortly after this, Jaringo began to have repetitive dreams/visions of a ministry that involved both families serving the community out of a space that brought the same hope and healing to everyone that would come through their doors. The two women went on a day trip to the beach and the first founder shared her dream and it was so clear that this was The Lord’s plan and purpose for them to accomplish in Him together. He wastes nothing!

It would be more encompassing than a high-quality boutique of excellently sourced products and education…it was to be a complete source base of “Healthy Sh’tuff”, to minister to the body, mind, soul, and spirit.

The life they had been given anew and the joy of thriving (not simply surviving) in this age is to be shared with everyone they cross paths with on a daily basis. So, we begin with this website and look expectantly ahead to all He will provide to accomplish what He has started.

The spelling of “SH’TUFF” comes from the slang used to refer to “things”. Thus, it is an acronym for the foundation points of the heart of our mission statement:

S = Seeing More Clearly

H = Hearing More Clearly

‘  = Pausing…to Pray

T = Trodding & Claiming

U = Understanding the Need

F = Faith Filled-Up… in order to…

F = Feed Others