LIFE NUGGET #1: Created To Receive Love

The same God Who spoke and created that beautiful sunset that takes your breath away as you stroll over the dune path - is the One Who loves you more than anything in all His amazing creation! We do not need to (nor could we ever) earn His unending love.

Get this: we were loved before we ever even born! Before we could even muster up one thought about Him! GOD – The Creator of all that exists…loved us and loves us still! And He always will, revealing this truth to us throughout our lives in some real mind-blowing ways! YES, HE DOES!

Paul, who lived from around 5 BC ish to 62AD ish, that apostle guy, who was the one who wrote about God’s love to the Corinthians (who were pretty messed up at the time). He wrote specifically about this truth in a letter to the people of Rome who had put their trust in God’s Son, Jesus/Yeshua…Romans 5:6-8 (NLT) “When we were utterly helpless, Christ Jesus came at just the right time and died for us sinners…God showed His GREAT LOVE for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still dead in our sins.” That is some unbelievable love!!!

JESUS (Yeshua) is the best gift, and also the visible manifestation of His love. All the other eternal gifts that we are given are found in relationship with Him and accepting this perfect love. We enter into this when we surrender our self-will, pride, and turn away from living in our sins-this is repentance. (Yes, we all sin…miss the mark of perfection.) There are some great things in store for us when we receive His gift of walking in relationship with Him. He lavishes us with complete forgiveness and adopts us into the eternal family of GOD.

Because of Him, every blessing and every promise that GOD MOST HIGH has ever made are ours to claim, right then and there, for all eternity! He sees us as spotless and guiltless, from that moment on! It is just as if we had never sinned. That is the long and short of surrendering to Jesus and trusting Him alone for our everything. He casts that sin that was a ball and chain to hell into the endless depths. As far away as the east is from the west!

What an amazing eternal inheritance are God’s gifts! The gift He gives us in Him, is far more valuable than stocks and bonds and bank accounts! He then seals us as His own! Holy Spirit is given to us as an internal guarantee. This signet seal of God is stamped on our souls as a permanent air tag, confirming that He will never leave us or abandon us to ourselves. Yep!He is with us, even to the very end of the age. Holy Spirit fills us, counsels us with Divine wisdom, and insight; He teaches us what we need to know from God’s Word. He is the absolute best teacher we can ever have! He gifts us with His very own strength and life breath. We are then recognized by the fruit of His presence: active love, joy, peace, patience, selflessness, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. That is just for starters! There are a plethora of benefits that enable us to thrive as His in this world…

More? Yes more…

In the second letter that the guy we were talking about earlier, Paul, the apostle, wrote to the people in Corinth, he reminded them of the more that we have in was actually that we have it all! All God’s promises!

2 Corinthians 1:20 “For ALL THE PROMISES of God in Him (Jesus/Yeshua) are YES! And in Him, “AMEN”, to the glory of God through us.” This Impeccable book is a tremendous treasure! And God said He will do EVERYTHING He has promised! So, I highly recommend searching, digging as it were, for every single golden nugget of promise and truth for yourself. A couple more of these truths to whet your appetite a bit:

Psalm 1:2-3 (TPT) golden nuggets: We will STAND FIRM~ STEADFAST like a flourishing tree planted by a river. Our roots will be deep and sipping water from the brooks of Bliss…bearing fruit in every season (not just one)…Never shrivel up and faint…EVER BLESSED and EVER Him and His WORD!

Want some PEACE? True lasting, unexplainable peace?! How about some strength to overcome the sorrow and sadness, and maybe a bit of HOPE instead of fear? All of these things are found in JESUS and Holy Spirit.

John 16:33 (NIVUK) Jesus speaking to His disciples before He gives His life for our sakes and redeems us to eternal life through His great sacrifice on that Roman cross…He said : “I have told you these things, so that in ME you may HAVE PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart (be encouraged) I have overcome the world”.

Well? Would you not agree that all of these are priceless gems? True security and peacefulness amid the chaos of today is found nowhere else, only in walking with JESUS and the surety of overwhelming victory. To top it off and seal the deal, our very own unique names are written in the BOOK OF LIFE in Heaven!

Do not be deceived by the glitz and noise of this world. We are here but a moment…this shadowland is not our final destination. With that thought, neither are the people here in control. God/Yahweh has the final say in all things and He alone is Sovereign.

WHEW!!! This was a tad bit long message of encouragement. It is simply this: I am overjoyed and jazzed to testify of all that I have found in Him. Truly like my veins are burning with the Truth! I just have to share this Good News! The Sovereign, Eternal Good Father, God Almighty, is absolutely the perfect gift Giver! Jesus, God the Son is the perfect gift from Him to the world! Just had to share these things with my fellow terre-firma sojourners here! It is your turn now! Go search for more amazing hidden treasure…trust me when I say that you will not be disappointed in His gifts!


LIFE NUGGET #2: Cultivate “GOD-Confidence”