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Life Nugget #14: Awe-filled Wonder

We have jumped fully into to 2025 with awe-filled wonder. We are asking our Creator Yahweh, upon waking each day, for clear and keen vision to focus on Him. As we are seeking acuity to spot the gifts He has placed along the path of the next waking hours; may we perceive accurately all that He has prepared for each of us. As we do, we then verbally (out loud) give thanks and share with others the joy and life in that discovery!

That is how we have determined to walk through the future days, purposefully looking at each moment with investigative wonder. We are not simply using the standard “Happy New Year” greeting as it can leave room for an experience to determine the reaction of happiness and elicit an “emotion” that is weak and circumstantial. Being happy is ambiguous and wishy washy, not so with an attitude of wonder.

Choosing to look at the world around us and experiences with wonder and awe yields a deep sense of gratitude. Starting the day with the wide-eyed wonder of what it may hold will prompt your mind and heart to actually be looking for wonder and beauty within each moment. To cultivate this in oneself you first must make a conscience choice to expect the interesting, the wonderful, and the awesome moments each day. Our very breath and systems in our own bodies are wonderful. Think about how science has confirmed that breathing effects heart rate, peace, blood health, brain function, lymphatic movement and on and on…that is just simply taking a slow deep breath. WOW!!!

To be clear, living our lives with childlike wonder and awe, creates in us an attitude of gratitude. This is just one way to begin a “healthier” new year! Attitude changes.

Let’s talk the Word and choose effectively. Join us on our YouTube channel to journey through the gospel of John and be forever transformed:

We look forward to interacting with you on this new platform. May it encourage and inspire the whole you! Body, mind, soul and spirit!

Team Healthy Sh’tuff~

Mark, Beth and Jaringo